What’s Apache Doris
from doris official definition
Apache Doris is an MPP-based real-time data warehouse known for its high query speed. For queries on large datasets, it returns results in sub-seconds. It supports both high-concurrent point queries and high-throughput complex analysis. It can be used for report analysis, ad-hoc queries, unified data warehouse, and data lake query acceleration. Based on Apache Doris, users can build applications for user behavior analysis, A/B testing platform, log analysis, user profile analysis, and e-commerce order analysis.
Apache Doris 是一个基于 MPP 支持多种数据源(数据仓库和数据湖)的可高并发快速查询、复杂分析、报表分析、即席查询、用户行为分析、A/B测试的实时数据库。too Fast,too like
Technical overview
前端和后端进程都是可扩展的,在单个集群中支持多达数百台机器和数十 PB 的存储容量。两种流程都通过一致性协议保证高服务可用性和高数据可靠性。这种高度集成的架构设计大大降低了分布式系统的运维成本
- 前端(FE) :用户请求处理、查询解析和规划、元数据管理、节点管理
- 后端(BE) :数据存储和查询执行
Apache Doris采用MySQL协议,支持标准SQL,与MySQL语法高度兼容
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