Bigdata Product & Tools
- SQLFlow
SQLFlow provides a visual representation of the overall flow of data.
- 通过连接数据库或者解析SQL脚本、存储过程直接生成可视化的ER模型,可直接动态的查看实体间的血缘关系,方便进行数据追踪;订阅付费的陌生tools
- DbVisualizer
has a long history of being the preferred database tool for the world’s leading data professionals.product
- 数据库工具,支持多种数据源,使用IDE的方式可在线编辑代码
- Hex Go end-to-end from quick queries to deep-dive analyses to beautiful interactive data apps – all in one collaborative, AI-powered workspace.
- Estuary Flow | Real-time Data Pipeline & Integration Platform
- Ideal Modeling & Diagramming Tool for Agile Team Collaboration
Big data With AI
- DB-GPT-Hub
A repository that contains models, datasets, and fine-tuning techniques for DB-GPT, with the purpose of enhancing model performance in Text-to-SQL
- 一个包含 DB-GPT 的模型、数据集和微调技术的存储库,其目的是增强 Text-to-SQL 中的模型性能
- Chat2DB
AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
- 通过自然语言的形式进行数据生成、数据查询、数据报表分析
- 开源模型:Chat2DB-GLM 拥有7B参数,基于CodeLlama进行了精心微调。这一模型专为自然语言转SQL任务设计,支持多种SQL方言,并且具有高达16k的上下文长度处理能力。
- Databricks The Databricks Data Intelligence Platform
Big data Platform
- Dinky
- DataWorks基于MaxCompute/EMR/MC-Hologres等大数据计算引擎,为客户提供专业高效、安全可靠的一站式大数据开发与治理平台,自带阿里巴巴数据中台与数据治理最佳实践,赋能各行业数字化转型。
- DataArt Studio 一站式数据全生命周期管理工具平台,库仓湖智全流程治理,释放数据价值
- DTSphere DataStudio是数梦工场推出的为满足用户在大数据环境下开发、测试、生产运维需求的大数据集成开发进行数据作业程序
- Striim Platform - Striim
- 数据中台|数据集成平台|数据治理平台|数据管理平台-龙石数据
Big data Cloud
- Striim Cloud Build real-time data streaming pipelines in minutes
Open Server
- DBAPI 为企业数据开放服务提供完整解决方案
Data Query
- Apache Druid A high performance, real-time analytics database that delivers sub-second queries on streaming and batch data at scale and under load.
- Druid 是一个 JDBC 组件库,包含数据库连接池、SQL Parser 等组件
Message Queue
big data Guide
- BigData Guide Website All type of data tools
Multiple Views
- Teable - Postgres-Airtable Fusion Super fast, Real-time, Professional, Developer-friendly, No-code database