Architectural Style

An architectural style defines as a family of such systems in terms of a pattern of structural organization. More specifically,an architectural style defines a vocabulary of components and connector types,and a set of constraints on how they can be combined. For many styles there may also exist one or more semantic models that specify how to determine a system’s overall properties from the properties of its parts. Many of architectural styles have been developed over the years. The best-known examples of pipe-and-filter architectures are programs written in the UNIX shell.


一种架构风格以一种结构化组织模式定义一组这样的系统。具体来说,一种架构风格定义了一个构件及连接器类型的词汇表,以及一组关于它们如何能够被关联的约束。对于许多风格来说,可能也存在一个或多个语义模型,从系统部件的特性来确定系统的整体特性。许多架构风格已经发展 了很多年,众所周知的管道-过滤器架构就是用 UNIX shell 编写的程序

Software Architecture Reconstruction

Software architecture reconstruction is an interpretive, interactive, and iterative process including many activities. Information extraction involves analyzing a system’s existing design and implementation artifacts to construct a model of it. The result is used in the following activities to construct a view of the system. The database construction activity converts the elements and relations contained in the view into a standard format for storage in a database. The view fusion activity involves defining and manipulating the information stored in database to reconcile, augment, and establish connections between the elements. Reconstruction consists of two primary activities: visualization and interaction, pattern definition and recognition. The former provides a mechanism for the user to manipulate architectural elements, and the latter provides facilities for architecture reconstruction.

